English  •  German  •  Spanish   •  Italian  •  Portuguese  •  Chinese Simplified  •  Chinese Traditional
We know you have lots of clients in lots of places, so we want to help maximize your
communication efforts. Creating multilingual emails is easy and goes a long way when it comes to reaching out to your clients!
Create your marketing piece as you normally would, but include a header similar to the one on this piece.
Under "Distribute", click "Create Public Link" and send that link to a translating service. We like Straker Translations.
Once you’ve got your piece all translated, copy your original marketing piece and replace the existing text with the translated text. Do this for each language.
Create a public link for each new marketing piece. Link the correct marketing piece to the corresponding language in the header of your original marketing piece. You’re done and ready to send! When a recipient clicks on a language, they’ll be taken to the marketing piece in that language.
Click here for a quick How To video.